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Become a Member
Of the community, by the community, for the community
Becoming a member of Namatjira Haven is a great way to show your support. Members have a big influence on what we do and where we go in the future. We are an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation – Our constitution gets its life from our members. Directors must be members and are elected by members.
If you would like to become a member, please consider the following:
1. Personal information you give is subject to our privacy policy. It will not be used or disclosed to 3rd parties except for the purpose for which it is provided or where the law requires us to do so. If your application is successful your personal information will be used to keep the Register of Members updated. This register is kept secure by the Company Secretary but may be inspected at any time by ASIC and the ACNC.
2. Namatjira Haven is a Public Company Limited by Guarantee. There are no joining or ongoing fees. However, if the company is ever wound up and has debts, members may be liable to pay a maximum of $10 (ten dollars) each towards meeting those debts.
3. If your application is successful, your right to vote at General Meetings (including the AGM) will commence 180 days after notification has been sent to you by the Secretary.
4. The Company Constitution can be viewed/downloaded here. You are encouraged to read through it before submitting your application.
If you wish to apply for membership please contact us and we will get the ball rolling.